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Makeup Tip Monday: False Lashes

Makeup Tip Monday: False Lashes

Hello Dolls!

I am going to begin a series called #MakeupTipMondays where I will be giving some makeup tips that I hope are helpful.  The first tip is HOW TO APPLY FALSE LASHES!!! Hope you guys enjoy and let me know what other topics you would like me to discuss.

When applying false lashes, don't try to apply immediately after you apply the glue to the lashes. Let the glue sit on the lashes for 30 seconds to a minute (or long enough for the glue to get tacky). This will help them stay in place while you apply and help you to not get glue everywhere.

Apply the middle first and then adjust the inner corner and edges to the right place.

It sometimes helps to look down into a hand held mirror when applying instead of looking straight ahead into a mirror. You can see your lash line better this way, especially if you have curly lashes.

What are some makeup issues that you would like tips on in the next #MakeupTipMonday?

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  • Jasmine Shakieer
Comments 2
  • Valerie Joyce Nelson
    Valerie Joyce Nelson

    Besides concealers how can you get rid of mustache shadows?

  • Terrica Pugh
    Terrica Pugh

    Thank you for those tip, I will try that next time.

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