Product Spotlight: Sol De Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream

It has been a while since I have done a product spotlight, but I'm back! Did you miss me? Today's spotlight will be on the ever so popular Brazilian Bum Bum Cream by Sol De Janeiro. The Brazilian Bum Bum cream is a moisturizer that claims to tighten the skin. It is infused with Guaraná extract, Cupuaçu Butter, Açaí Oil, and Coconut Oil. The Guaraná is a berry native to Brazilian that has claims to boost energy, relieve stress, and be a natural aphrodisiac.
Cupuaçu Butter is said to hydrate skin, restore elasticity, be an anti-aging toner, and act as a natural sunscreen. Açaí Oil is believed to heal dry and cracked skin by restoring moisture. And we are all familiar with coconut oil and black people's belief that it cures cancer and raises credit scores!
To me, the Brazilian Bum Bum Cream has a nutty, vanilla-ish smell. The website describes it as Pistachio and Salted Caramel. So, if you are not into those type of smells you may not like it. I for one LOVE deep, sultry, vanilla, tropical smells and love the way the Brazilian Bum Bum Cream smells. It is fast absorbing and moisturizes my skin very well. It also has a subtle amount of shimmer in it and we all know I am the glow queen!
I cannot attest to the product's skin tightening ability; however, I do not use it consistently enough to test that theory. For one, I change scents about as often as I change underwear. #DutchesOfSmellGoods Secondly, The Brazilian Bum Bum Cream is a tad bit boujie so I can't use her everyday. Motha retails for $45 for the full size and $20 for the mini! I gotta make this thing last...
All in all I would definitely recommend Sol De Janeiro's Brazilian Bum Bum Cream. Hopefully you can catch it on a good sale like I did. I got the full size cream, lip balm, and fragrance mist for $35! Won't he do it!
Peace and Blessings,
- Tags: Beauty product spotlight Skin Care
- Jasmine Shakieer
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